who will decide the fate of UPA govt.
Posted by Ashish Kr. Chaudhary
11:20 AM

now the D day is about to come on 22th july. this Tuesday we will see the drama which we call democracy. UPA govt is going to prove stability of lokshabha by counting head in their court. 271 is the number of MPs in any party (UPA or NDA ) required for the claim to run govt.
govt. was running smoothly but suddenly left withdrawn 4 year long support to upa govt. on some points lik nuclear deal, inflation etc.but Samajwadi party came as res curer of govt.
now point is who'll rock the parliament UPA supporting or UPA anti parties.at this point of time 7 undecided MP are holding the key to this lock.this whole circumstances creating a opportunity for Mayawati to form allies with left and south parties to form a collation so that her dream to become first dalit prime minister of india go true.but from ASHU's SCOPE this is not seems to be true in near future because of in depth reach of BJP and Congress in indian politics.
but for sure she 'll emerge as a kingmaker.
closing my first very boring post..
rest in next post............