And second day has come.....
Posted by Ashish Kr. Chaudhary
12:01 PM

now its new day with new expectations.it is rightly said"yesterday is history,tomorrow is mystery but today is gift that is why it is called present ".its barely 23 hours have passed of delhi bomb blast but things are returning to their tracks.so called INDIAN MUJAHEDDIN planted bombs in the heart of india to shatter our souls,to create terror in our mind but biting the dust have become a habit for them.
ya that panic might pinch my mind for a while,for a second for a minute may be,but we indian are too arrogent to be frighten.why to fear from a coward who dont have guts to take hand on hand with us.we indian are raised from the land of GITA which says "Death is only truth in life".
the only thing in which we lag is retaliation ,we are civilized people of a civilized nation ofcouse we cant plant a bomb in return of a bomb but why our so called humanity come forward when we giving vengeance to these terrorist,Afjal guru like preson are making hero by media our two major political parties are playing politics on these kind of topics.why its take so many year to prove terrorist a terrorist.
we indians are not known to have extreme stand over a view,but i am awiting the time when our soul 'll raise in this horizon of couse this s the soil from where buddha and gandhi like pacifist but born.but lets transcend our limits .its time to uphold our arms for a common thought
feel free to ask capital punishment to terrorist,as i m asking...........................
"From pacifist to terrorist, each person condemns violence - and then adds one cherished case in which it may be justified. " Gloria Steinem